The Beauty of Biohacking
“Beauty goes skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.” Someone really got it right with that phrase, because nasty pollutants from time inside and out are always creeping deep into our pores. With modern technology it seems that skincare is a one stop shop to a Terminator film where the creepy corporate scientists are putting mind control goo in your moisturizer. Yikes!
As much as the mad scientist is a great quip, we as humans are often pretty mad about finding instant solutions. Just as antibiotics kill good bacteria with the bad, many formulas for enhancing skin's Vitamin C and Retinol are taking the place of good old fashioned Sun. The positive advancements in diagnosing skin cancer or skin diseases have helped increase sun safety, but caused somewhat of an aversion for many. Though the popularity of tools like tanning beds has decreased, topical and even pill ingested skin tanning is still extremely popular.
There are tons of great products that are safe and vegetable based to use, so please always select the method you feel most comfortable with. HUE believes the best way to soak in the sun is to do that - spend time soaking in the sun. This does not have to mean a daily intensive sunbathing session as most of us can only dream of having the time to do so, but even 10 to 15 minutes of time spent daily outdoors can lead to healthier skin as well as stronger immunity. Even if you don’t have a furry friend to accompany you, find a safe enjoyable outdoor space to allow for the natural Vitamin D benefits of the Sun to enhance your natural vibrancy.
Biohacking is a method of making small and continuous shifts within your biological habits to achieve an ideal state of internal health along with external health. From increasing time outdoors in the sun to practicing Breathwork in place of medication to treat anxiety or eating more carrots for natural Retinol, Biohacking allows for endless natural syncing. Sometimes a hack can be eating the ice cream you’ve been craving all day simply to feel some joy. Remember there is nothing more beautiful than the skin you’re already in so let’s all begin using spending more time allowing it to work as it should.